Compliance Policy Regarding the Prevention
of Discrimination and Harassment

Compliance Policy Regarding the Prevention
of Discrimination and Harassment

This Compliance Policy sets out the Yamato Group’s policy under which we, as a member of society, comply with any applicable laws with respect to protection of human rights. We do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment, which infringes upon human rights. We understand that each company of the Yamato Group and all of its officers (herein after refers to directors, supervisors, and senior executives such as general managers and vice general managers etc.) and employees (herein after refers to formal employees, dispatched employees and trainees etc.) are obliged to comply with this Policy and any violation hereof may lead to a disciplinary action, and hereby make the following declarations.

  1. We shall strictly comply with any law and regulation of any country with respect to protection of human rights, including without limitation the Constitution of Japan, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights, the Act on Securing, etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment, and the Act on the Promotion of the Employment of Disabled Persons, and thereby ensure our respect for human rights. We shall not commit by ourselves or allow anyone to commit any acts of discrimination or harassment, which infringes upon human rights.
    1. We shall not commit or allow anyone to commit any discrimination based on race, belief, gender, religion, nationality, age, origin, disability or other prohibited reason.
    2. Except for the jobs or posts that are not suitable for female employees, we shall never refuse to employ female or raise the recruitment standards for female under any pretext, and shall never incorporate such discriminatory contents in the labor contract as restricting female employee’ rights of marriage or procreation etc.
    3. We shall strictly comply with the internal assessment procedure and never reduce female employees with regard to their gender or age.
    4. We shall never be discriminative to female or disabled employees regarding promotions, assessments of professional titles, company welfares or bonus etc.
    1. We shall not commit or allow anyone to commit sexual harassment, including without limitation any sexual language, text, image, digital information or other forms of physical behavior that deteriorates an employee’s working condition, or any disadvantageous treatment of an employee by reason of his/her reaction to such language, text, image, digital information or other forms of physical behavior, within not only the company, but also the destination of a business trip, a client’s firm or home, a restaurant while accompany with the client, or a vehicle during transportation for accomplishing business tasks etc.
    2. We shall not commit or allow anyone to commit “power harassment”, including any harassing act or behavior by anyone in a position of official authority or seniority towards his or her subordinate that causes an employee to suffer mental or physical pain or deteriorates the employee’s working condition.
    3. We shall not commit or allow anyone to commit any other forms of harassment, including harassment in relation to pregnancy, giving of birth or childcare leave, and will not allow the creation of any hostile work environment.
  2. We shall not penalize or take any adverse personnel action whatsoever against an employee for reporting any incident of discrimination or harassment or for cooperating in an investigation regarding any incident of discrimination or harassment.
  3. If we receive a report of discrimination or harassment, we shall conduct investigations and appropriately address such issue. All complaints shall be treated in the strictest confidence.