新搬家服務: 遙距搬家到日本
發表於 2020年 9 月 1日,

Moving which you do not have to be present!

This is a flexible overseas moving service which only your representatives or third party are required to be present and you can instruct the moving operation yourself via video call. Only minimal documents are required.

The special measure is available now!

Normally, customer is required to carry out import custom clearance procedures within 6 months after returning to Japan. However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the service is currently available to customers who have returned to Japan for more than 6 months.

You can store your items temporarily!

Do not want to keep paying rent for a home where you cannot even return to? You can store your household items at our storage and free yourself from the burden of rent!


Contact us!

Yamato Logistics (HK) Ltd.

TEL 852-2375-6268(Japanese)
852-2262-0635(English, Chinese)
E-mail moving@yamatohk.com.hk